Sunday, January 19, 2020

Marriage Story - 6 nominations

Best Motion Picture of the Year - Noah BaumbachDavid Heyman
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role - Scarlett Johansson
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role - Adam Driver
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role - Laura Dern
Best Original Screenplay - Noah Baumbach
Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Score) - Randy Newman

Marriage Story could just as easily be called "Divorce Story," except that it couldn't.  Let me explain.  At first glance, the film is about a couple who have come to the end of their marriage, but don't hate each other.  They want to act like grown ups and people who care about each other and their son, and they walk the tightrope between being true to that goal, and listening to their lawyers who have seen the worst in people and don't trust anybody.  These family lawyers are sharks, and they want their clients to behave as though the other is working clandestinely to screw their former spouses.  There are so many moments in the film that are powerfully  resonant, whether you have been through a divorce or not.  Small slights, annoyances, and aggressions that undermine each individual's call to his or her better nature, and each person's trust that the other will continue to be committed to their common goal to be decent through the worst of the separation.  These are behaviors that both spouses recognize as insidious as they do them!

Marriage Story hurts.  There is no good guy, there is no bad guy.  How frustrating to observe the deterioration of a marriage without severe animosity.  How hard not to have a protagonist nor an antagonist.  There is no one to root for and no one to root against.  That's a ballsy film.

Every actor in this film is wonderful, particularly Alan Alda who was not nominated.  Laura Dern is likely a lock for the win.  If I'm being honest, I would have happily taken Adam Driver out of the Best Actor competition in favor of Eddie Murphy for Dolemite is My Name, or Taryn Edgerton in Rocketman.  But Driver is on a sharp rise in Hollywood and his talents are clear.

I would be remiss for my fellow Oscars nerds if I failed to acknowledge that this is Randy Newman's 22nd Oscars nomination (he's won twice).  Newman is brilliant at creating songs and scores for film, and this score is no exception.  Though I don't believe that he will capture this one, I can say that his work is worthy of the top 5.

For a good juxtaposition of a divorce movie where there is a clear good guy and bad guy (sort of), you can watch Kramer vs Kramer, the Best Picture winner for 1979.  It won 5 Oscars, and I think was the first of the modern divorce tales in the Oscars mix.

Watch the trailer here:

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