Monday, March 4, 2024

The Creator - 2 nominations


Sometimes the best sci fi films are the most difficult to describe, and this honestly one of those. The fundamental element of this film is a human war against robots with artificial intelligence and of course, our protagonist discovers a "child" who is potentially able to end the war. In addition, the war comes as a result of AI having detonated a nuclear warhead, which turns out not to be true, and the detonation was actually the result of human error. John David Washington beautifully portrays Army Sergeant Joshua Taylor, the child's protector and himself both a victim of injury of the bomb, and a survivor who lost his brother and his father in the tragedy. But still, he puts his whole self and heart into protecting this robot child because he genuinely believes that the robot is both innocent and has the ability to bring the fighting to an end.  The tropes of the film are not unique to this film (messiah child, anyone?), but the visual effects and the sound are both spectacular and are really standouts among this year's films. It's a good enough film - nobody is going to remember this one next year, but it's a fun and exciting romp if you are looking for something fun on a Saturday night.


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