Saturday, March 4, 2023

All the Beauty and the Bloodshed - 1 nomination


Nan Goldin is a famous photographer with an incredible life story. She's a true Bohemian who has done all the drugs, had all the sex, and had all the fabulous gay best friends anyone could want. She's had every experience in the book, and her biopic is outrageous enough without the addition of her courageous activism. That is, without the true story of the film, there's more than enough for a compelling and outrageous life. But Nan Goldin is not one to rest on her fame and her fortune - having been addicted to Oxycontin herself, she takes up the crusade to hold the Sackler family accountable, and to get others to do so, as well. In particular, she has targeted the prestigious art museums that have received money from the Sacklers, and campaigns ruthlessly with die-ins to remind these high profile places that their donor walls are drenched with the blood of those who died because of the lies Purdue Pharma told about their product not being addictive. Nan and her crew formed P.A.I.N. (Prescription Addiction Intervention Now), and they continue to crusade in favor of holding the family responsible, raising awareness, and especially supporting those who are suffering from this terrible addiction. Nan takes serious personal risk by going up against the art museums which display her pieces, but this woman is not deterred by anything. What an incredible film.

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