Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Four Good Days - 1 nomination


Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Song)
Diane Warren (music and lyric by)
For song "Somehow You Do"

Four Good Days is a harrowing story of Molly, a drug addict for 10 years, who has been promised a light of hope at the end of the tunnel.  Her doctor has told her that if she can stay clean for just four full days, she will be eligible for a monthly shot that prevents drugs from taking any effect in her body, a drug that prevents toxic substances from binding to the central nervous system rendering them so ineffective that the addict will resist their pull.  Molly's mother Deb has been through the wringer with her and her decade long addiction, and the vicious cycle of ineffective rehabs, and all of the things that those failures have wrought.  A tense relationship with a history of lies, theft, abuse, worry, and the torture of loving someone but knowing that there's nothing you can do to help her.  So now Deb decides to help (once again) and clings to the hope that a mere four days will get her daughter to the promised land.

It's a difficult film but this is Mila Kunis at her absolute best.  Partnered with Glenn Close the film goes from tropey rehab film to engaging movie.  Have we seen much of this before? Sure. But with these powerhouse actresses at the center, it was worth the time.  I truly enjoyed it (as much as you can say that with such a difficult story.)

Now, sad to say, Dianne Warren - with her 13th Oscars nomination for Original Song is still not going to win.  (Don't get me started on 'Til It Happens to You, which should have won... but I digress.). Her day is coming, but this talented songwriter just can't catch a break.  Listen to the song, it's beautiful.

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