Saturday, February 25, 2023

Animated Shorts - 5 nominations


The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse
Best Animated Short Film
Matthew Freud
Charlie Mackesy

A small boy is traveling the meadows and Forrests and he is lost. Along the way, he meets a sweet mole who befriends him and they decide to travel together. Soon, a fox joins their entourage as does a beautiful horse, and their friendship propels them all the way to a town where the boy hopes to find a home. A little cheesy but a nice little film especially for kids.

The Flying Sailor
Best Animated Short Film
Amanda Forbis
Wendy Tilby

This was a bit of a snooze. It portrayed the true story of a sailor who was thrown into the air after an explosion at the wharf and he then flew 2 kilometers until he landed and actually lived. That sounds like an exciting story, but it was literally an entire movie of a body just flying through the air.

Ice Merchants
Best Animated Short Film
João Gonzalez
Bruno Caetano

If you're afraid of heights, this is not the story for you. A man and his young son live in the heights of a crazy high mountain, they make ice, and then skydive down to the town to sell it. Eventually, they come back by motorcycle and have a pulley system to get them back up to their home in the clouds. When an avalanche threatens their lives, they make the best of it. Weirdly heavy for what begins as a cute film.

My Year of Dicks
Best Animated Short Film
Sara Gunnarsdóttir
Pamela Ribon

My Year of Dicks follows the quest of one 15 year old girl to lose her virginity and the boys she tries to do it with. A funny story of friendship and sex and it's nice to have the occasional funny one among all of these Oscars films.

An Ostrich Told Me the World is Fake and I Think I Believe It
Best Animated Short Film
Lachlan Pendragon

Here's your typical office worker and telemarketer who begins to notice some strange things at work. People's mouths fall off, they don't have lower body halves, and he doesn't actually know what's going on. We see that he is being filmed and sometimes we see a huge human hand reaching in to manipulate the on-screen happenings.  A fun film with a cute punchline (that I won't spoil!).

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